“It drifted through the sea and made sounds that thundered throughout the land. How could it be so large and never be seen?” - The Children and the Whale, Daniel Frost

Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Graphite Pencil
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Graphite Pencil
This book was created in regards to the whales' interruption of migratory patterns due to human activity.
Following this book project, I further challenged myself to create a space in which this children’s book will reside in.

In connection with the theme of children’s stories pertaining to whales, I aim to display this exhibit as more of a children’s library instead of a general museum. With this into consideration, I plan to create a general space for reading, but have the reading area modelled as a boat to seamlessly connect them to the ocean and the whales. Tying in to the theme of the book itself, there will be a view of the sea in front of the boat as well as a view of the Cetus constellation above it. Furthermore, for the rest of the space, there will be educational and interactive models that you can crawl into, move around, and also observe. Despite the fact that the majority of the features included in this exhibition consist of playful and interactive material, I believe that the direct experience with objects are just as important in regards to education. All in all, as the whales have been symbolized as guardians and companionship - especially in children’s books - I hoped to emphasize this concept throughout the room as a whole and let the children interact with the whales in ways they might not experience at home or school.
Sketches of the Exhibit Overview: